I believe that as a leader in educational technology that my goal is to not only continue learning about new technologies but also to inform and teach others about it. I believe that by teaching our students we are teaching the future and with that comes great responsibility. I have the responsibility to teach what I have learned to others including my students. This is one way that I can help make emerging technologies valuable to others and also help to close the digital divide. As I do this I need to keep in mind teaching it equally across the gender, cultural, and socioeconomic arenas. Our future involves technology and that is not going to change. Soloway made a great point when he stated that the “cell phone is the one technology that can close the digital divide in a way that no other technology can” (Soloway, 2009). I happen to agree with him and I look forward to the day when the school system will be handing out smart phones to each and every student to utilize in school. Until that day comes I will continue to strive for technology equality at least within my own classroom.
Soloway, E. (n.d.). The digital divide: leveling the playing field. Retrieved from: http://sylvan.live.ecollege.com/ec/courses/14936/CRS-WUEDUC8812-3730077/EDUC_8848_PK_Transcript.pdf